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Finding Balance: A Doctor’s Journey to Decatur

Learn how father and surgeon, Dr. Graeme McFarland, finds balance between career and time at home in Decatur, Alabama!

Q&A With Pamela Bolding, Director of Neighborhood Christian Center

Learn all about the Neighborhood Christian Center and its mission of compassionate community support!

Positively Buzzing With Community Spirit, Charm, and Line Dancing: The Soulful Shakers of Turner-Surles

Music, dancing, laughter, and vibrant energy. No, we’re not at a nightclub, we’re at Turner-Surles Community Resource Center! And these awesome folks? They’re all 55+ and having the time of their lives.

Q&A With Kimberly Cobb-Ray J.D., United Way of Morgan County President/CEO

Kimberly Cobb-Ray J.D., United Way of Morgan County President/CEO and one of Decatur’s newest residents, talks first impressions and community highlights!

The Best and Brightest Initiative: Why I Believe in Decatur’s Future

One of the things I’m most proud of with this initiative is how it’s helping us bring skilled workers to Decatur.

Positively Inclusive – The Milk Bar Offers Support to Both Breast and Bottle Feeding Mothers

Let us introduce you to The Milk Bar– Alabama’s first and only postpartum support group for mothers who are breastfeeding, formula feeding, or combination feeding!

Fostering Love and Building Community: The Story of a Decatur Family

You think you know yourself and your spouse, but when you bring children into your life who have faced unimaginable challenges, you discover new depths of patience and compassion. It’s not always easy, but it’s always rewarding.

We Are Positively Decatur!

Positively Decatur exists to celebrate and share uplifting stories from the Decatur community. Check out some of our favorite clips from the past few years!

Positively Inclusive: The Story of Everyday Sunshine

Everyday Sunshine is a Decatur-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to make the world a little more inclusive to those with physical, intellectual, and sensory disabilities.

Experience Culture and Community at the Daikin Festival

Step into a world of tradition, excitement, and culinary delights as you experience the magic of Japanese culture at the Daikin Festival. For 30 years, this beloved event has been a staple in the Decatur community, offering a night of appreciation for Japanese traditions and customs.

Q&A With Dr. Meg Adams Ingram, Pediatrician with Decatur Morgan Pediatrics

Meet Dr. Meg Adams-Ingram and learn what brought her and her family back to Decatur 14 years after she graduated from Decatur High School and moved away for college.

Our Forever Home: The Hallmarks Have a Positively Full Life in Decatur

In 1991, Realtor Kim Hallmark and her husband, Jeff made the life-changing decision to start a new chapter in Decatur. It was a leap of faith, but little did they know the incredible journey that awaited them in this charming city.