The City of Decatur, Alabama is a positively awesome place. It is chock full of history, art, beautiful outdoor places, fun things to do, and great people to meet. The whole point of this website is to share stories about positive things going on in Decatur. Maybe you’ll be inspired to come visit – or move here and call it home!

Positively Buzzing With Community Spirit, Charm, and Line Dancing: The Soulful Shakers of Turner-Surles

Old State Bank: Decatur’s Iconic Historic Landmark

Engage, Excite, Educate: The Story of Cook Museum

Decatur’s Festival of the Cranes: A Celebration of Nature and Community

Q&A With Kimberly Cobb-Ray J.D., United Way of Morgan County President/CEO

Connect, Impact, Grow

Frances founded Celebrating Early Old Town with Art, or CEOTA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the stories and structures of early Old Town Decatur. The organization seeks to educate, inform, promote, and share the rich history of the Old Town community.

Jeff Sharp founded Everyday Sunshine, a thrift store employing people with intellectual disabilities, as a way to advocate for his daughter, Amelie. The store also has a program for students with disabilities at Decatur and Austin High Schools to teach job skills, social skills, and gain confidence in their abilities.

Inspired by the need to increase literacy and reading levels among Black and brown students, Janelle left her career in the banking industry to found Brown Books & More. More than just a store, Brown Books & More is a community gathering place.

Viljar tragically passed away at the age of 63 in September of 2024. He traveled the world as a student, violinist, professor, and conductor before calling Decatur home and founding Orchestra Sul Ponticello. Read about his extraordinary life and impact on the Decatur community.