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Finding Balance: A Doctor’s Journey to Decatur

Learn how father and surgeon, Dr. Graeme McFarland, finds balance between career and time at home in Decatur, Alabama!

Q&A With Pamela Bolding, Director of Neighborhood Christian Center

Learn all about the Neighborhood Christian Center and its mission of compassionate community support!

Positively Buzzing With Community Spirit, Charm, and Line Dancing: The Soulful Shakers of Turner-Surles

Music, dancing, laughter, and vibrant energy. No, we’re not at a nightclub, we’re at Turner-Surles Community Resource Center! And these awesome folks? They’re all 55+ and having the time of their lives.

Old State Bank: Decatur’s Iconic Historic Landmark

How well do you know Old State Bank? Its iconic silhouette has graced Decatur’s skyline for a hundred and ninety-two years. That is worth repeating…. a hundred and ninety-two years.

Engage, Excite, Educate: The Story of Cook Museum

From humble beginnings to iconic destination!

Q&A With Kimberly Cobb-Ray J.D., United Way of Morgan County President/CEO

Kimberly Cobb-Ray J.D., United Way of Morgan County President/CEO and one of Decatur’s newest residents, talks first impressions and community highlights!

Connect, Impact, Grow

The Young Professionals of Decatur are the voice for the next generation. Through community projects and engagements they foster inclusion and connection for the betterment of the local area.

Setting the Stage for a Positive Outlet

Outlet Stage Company, Decatur’s first place for older teen and young adult theatre, sets out to give their voices a stage!

Dia De Los Muertos

Thanks to the Downtown Decatur Dia De Los Muertos Committee, the entire community is invited to celebrate the holiday, which is celebrated annually on November 1 or 2.

Realizing Dreams in Decatur

How Michael Smitherman Brought his Restauranteur Dreams Back Home

Positively Inclusive – The Milk Bar Offers Support to Both Breast and Bottle Feeding Mothers

Let us introduce you to The Milk Bar– Alabama’s first and only postpartum support group for mothers who are breastfeeding, formula feeding, or combination feeding!

From Soviet Estonia to Decatur, Alabama

Read all about the Journey of Viljar Weimann, Decatur Orchestra Sul Ponticello founder and conductor!