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Decatur, Alabama: A Premier Destination for Sports Tourism

Read all about how Decatur, Alabama, is rapidly cementing its reputation as a premier sports destination!

Q&A With Pamela Bolding, Director of Neighborhood Christian Center

Learn all about the Neighborhood Christian Center and its mission of compassionate community support!

Positively Buzzing With Community Spirit, Charm, and Line Dancing: The Soulful Shakers of Turner-Surles

Music, dancing, laughter, and vibrant energy. No, we’re not at a nightclub, we’re at Turner-Surles Community Resource Center! And these awesome folks? They’re all 55+ and having the time of their lives.

Engage, Excite, Educate: The Story of Cook Museum

From humble beginnings to iconic destination!

Decatur’s Festival of the Cranes: A Celebration of Nature and Community

Each winter, the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge transforms into a sanctuary for thousands of Sandhill Cranes and the rare Whooping Cranes. This celebration of nature and community is more than just a gathering; it’s a story of conservation, history, and connection.

Connect, Impact, Grow

The Young Professionals of Decatur are the voice for the next generation. Through community projects and engagements they foster inclusion and connection for the betterment of the local area.

Setting the Stage for a Positive Outlet

Outlet Stage Company, Decatur’s first place for older teen and young adult theatre, sets out to give their voices a stage!

Dia De Los Muertos

Thanks to the Downtown Decatur Dia De Los Muertos Committee, the entire community is invited to celebrate the holiday, which is celebrated annually on November 1 or 2.

Positively Perfect Weekend Adventures in Decatur

As school bells ring and students fill classrooms once again, here’s a guide to some exciting local spots perfect for weekend outings!

We Are Positively Decatur!

Positively Decatur exists to celebrate and share uplifting stories from the Decatur community. Check out some of our favorite clips from the past few years!

Experience Culture and Community at the Daikin Festival

Step into a world of tradition, excitement, and culinary delights as you experience the magic of Japanese culture at the Daikin Festival. For 30 years, this beloved event has been a staple in the Decatur community, offering a night of appreciation for Japanese traditions and customs.

Positively Immerse Yourself in Art AND the Community at Alabama Center for the Arts

From studio art to graphic design to acting to music technology and everything in between, Alabama Center for the Arts in downtown Decatur has something for you.