Our hearts and souls positively shine through our generosity.
Perhaps the most revealing aspect of a place is how residents support and care for one another, including the most vulnerable in the community. Decatur residents are friendly, neighborly, kind, and look out for each other. We do this individually and as part of organized efforts by groups we belong to such as nonprofits, our faith communities, and other charitable organizations.

Get Involved
Below are several of our largest organizations committed to meeting the needs of all our residents. Learn more about their efforts and get in touch with them directly to join in positively impacting our community.

United Way of Morgan County
UWMC provides an excellent starting point for giving and volunteering that can impact the almost 30 community nonprofit agencies it supports.

City of Decatur
The City of Decatur welcomes volunteerism in several of its departments, from Youth Services to Parks & Recreation to serving as part of city leadership.

Committee on Church Cooperation
The Committee on Church Cooperation has fostered cooperation among our county’s churches since 1973, building consensus and pooling resources to help people in need. The CCC has grown to oversee 11 ministries and contributes approximately $2 million in services annually to the community.

The Volunteer Center of Morgan County
The Volunteer Center creates opportunities for people to volunteer, learn, and lead in our community. They strive to provide volunteers with a high-quality experience that fuels further action, and they envision a day when everyone is inspired and equipped to be the change they wish to see in the world.