“It’s more than just a dog park. The Park has been a massive part of my family’s life since moving to Decatur”,
said Madison Adams.
“When I first got here, I didn’t know many people or have any friends here. I had my husband and pups. At first, the Park was a great outlet to escape the daily grind and get fresh air with my fur children, but it became so much more. Our daily trips to the dog park helped me establish relationships that will last a lifetime, and the friends I’ve made have become like a second family. Lila, my husky, has thoroughly enjoyed our daily visits, and the Park has also been an excellent way for her to socialize.”
Madison says, “If you know me, then you know I like to have a good time. With the help of the other dog owners, we’ve been putting together special events that the owners and dogs can participate in. We’ve done everything from Halloween costume contests to Easter egg hunts.”

“To me, Decatur is home in more than just the literal sense. My husband and I have established roots here because of the relationships I’ve created with the other dog owners. This year, we’ll be welcoming a daughter, and I can’t wait to watch her grow up in Decatur and take her on our daily trips to the dog park.”
The Decatur Dog Park has become quite the success
The Park is open from dawn to dusk for the enjoyment of dogs and pet parents. It’s a beautiful area with welcoming amenities for your and your pet’s happiness.