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The Future of Downtown Decatur

Over the past several years, the city’s downtown has been transformed into the vibrant destination we know today. Thanks to beautification projects, business recruitment, and new developments, Downtown Decatur has seen booming growth.

Decatur is Positively Home For New Residents!

Have you heard the news? According to, Decatur is the top location where current residents of Huntsville are looking to buy their next house.

Community Spirit is Positively Vibrant at Third Fridays in Downtown Decatur

Welcome to Downtown Decatur, Alabama, where the vibrant spirit of community comes alive at Third Fridays. If you’re looking for an exciting experience that showcases the local way, you’re in for a treat.

Outdoor Recreation is Positively Everywhere in Decatur

Outdoor Recreation is Positively Everywhere in Decatur Share this story social social Email To Decatur is a powerhouse in outdoor recreation. Danielle Gibson, President/CEO of Decatur Morgan County Tourism Over 50 years ago, the Mayor of Decatur went to Germany to learn how to build the nation’s first wave pool. In 1970, this historic wave […]

Decatur is Positively Soaring at the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic!

Decatur is Positively Soaring at the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic! By: Lillie Beth Warner, Communications Director, Decatur Morgan County Tourism Share this story social social Email To The Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic is a one-of-a-kind event that takes place every year in Decatur, Alabama, at Point Mallard Park. The event has […]

The #VisitDecaturAL Ambassadors Are Your Local Guides to Decatur and Beyond

The #VisitDecaturAL Ambassadors Are Your Local Guides to Decatur and Beyond By: Lillie Beth Warner, Communications Director, Decatur Morgan County Tourism Share this story social social Email To Have you met the new #VisitDecaturAL Ambassadors? Decatur Morgan County Tourism (DMCT) has launched an ambassador program featuring local photographers, influencers, and travel writers to showcase Decatur […]

Young Professionals in Decatur Are Positively the Best and Brightest!

The Best and Brightest Initiative is the first comprehensive incentive package in the nation for STEM young talent, and the 7-year-old program is growing rapidly.

Carnegie Carnival Is Positively Fun!

In 2012, the Carnegie Visual Arts Center presented Decatur’s first Mardi Gras-style celebration with the “Carnegie Carnival.” Charter members created a season that spans from Carnival Petition to the King and Queen to open the royal season to Twelfth Night in January to candidate events and culminates with the Carnegie Carnival parades, always held on the Saturday before Fat Tuesday.

The Jones Family Is Positively Loving Decatur!

All of my travels, far and wide, finally led me back to North Alabama, where I belong. It’s here in Decatur that my wife from Arizona and my kids from California have finally found their roots. Decatur, Alabama, is our home now, and we positively love it.

Built for the Birds, Wheeler National Wildlife Positively Dazzles All Year Long

Each winter, anywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 temporary residents show up to bring an experience that’s positively Decatur. The guests? Migrating sandhill cranes and even several pairs of extremely rare whooping cranes.

River Clay Fine Arts Festival Is Positively Educational!

River Clay Fine Arts Festival is Positively Educational! The Positively Decatur team is please to have Stevi Price, the immediate past president of the River Clay Fine Arts board of directors, share her perspective as an educator. Share this story social social Email To The River Clay Fine Arts Festival (RCFAF) has evolved into an […]

This Is Decatur

The Tennessee river and its tributaries run through this city. But, more importantly, the grace of God runs through the hearts of the people living or working there. Genuine kindness oozes through the pores of their souls. That’s why Decatur, Alabama, is always one of my favorite places to visit.