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Stepping Back in Time: Your guide to “The Decaturs” historic districts

Scottsboro Boys Civil Rights Museum

Brown Books & More is Positively Building Community

Outdoor Recreation is Positively Everywhere in Decatur

    Decatur Positively Glows With Summer Festivals

    As of this weekend, summer is officially here! While there are always fun things to do in Decatur, our city truly shines during its summer festivals, bringing sights and sounds you won’t experience anywhere else.

    Get Positively Adventurous Floating on the Flint

    The Flint Creek Canoe Trail opened in 2018, and with its opening, kayakers and canoers have access to the interior of Wheeler Wildlife Refuge and all the amazing scenery and beautiful wildlife on the Refuge.

    It’s Positively Time for Decatur to Embrace Its Rust!

    Imagine taking the Singing River Trail down to Flint Creek for a day on the water and never having to get into a car? We can! That is the vision; blending greenways and blueways and making an outdoor city instead of a city with an outdoors. It’s positively exciting to think about.

    The Scottsboro Boys Trial Positively Changed History

    The Morgan County Archives in Decatur Alabama has a Scottsboro Boys exhibit that shares photos from the 1933 trail in Decatur, as well as a chair from the courtroom where the trial took place.

    Decatur Was Positively Visionary When Creating the Jack Allen Recreation Complex

    Jack Allen hosts numerous soccer events each year, including adult and youth international games, Alabama State Cup Championships, Presidents Cup, the NAIA Women’s Soccer Championships, USA Archery, River City Rivalry Lacrosse, and more.

    Alabama Robotics Technology Park Is Positively Essential to Alabama Industries

    This first of its kind facility houses all the major brands of robotics equipment, plus provides space to develop and test new robotics systems and technologies that meet the needs of Alabama manufacturers.

    Becoming Positively Entrepreneurial… As a High School Student

    Students are immersed in real life learning experiences with the opportunity to take risks, manage the results, and learn from the outcomes.