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Positively Pedaling: Exploring Decatur’s Bike Trails

Decatur, Alabama, is home to some seriously cool outdoor adventures. As the weather begins to cool off and the colors of fall start to paint the city, there’s no better time to saddle up and explore some of Decatur’s most popular outdoor amenities: the bike trails. So grab your bike, and let’s embark on a fall biking adventure in Decatur!

Behind the Scenes at the Princess Theatre

You may be familiar with the image of the Princess Theatre’s marquee, its brightly colored lighted letters serving as an iconic visual landmark in downtown Decatur. But have you ever wondered what lies behind that main entrance?

Ingalls Harbor is Positively Expanding with a New Development Coming Soon

Coming soon to Ingalls Harbor: A new waterfront scene for Decatur residents and visitors to live, work, and play!

Positively Celebrating 190 Years: Old State Bank’s Birthday Bash

This month, Decatur’s iconic Old State Bank celebrates its 190th birthday, and the city is throwing a party to mark the occasion.

Community Spirit is Positively Vibrant at Third Fridays in Downtown Decatur

Welcome to Downtown Decatur, Alabama, where the vibrant spirit of community comes alive at Third Fridays. If you’re looking for an exciting experience that showcases the local way, you’re in for a treat.

Outdoor Recreation is Positively Everywhere in Decatur

Outdoor Recreation is Positively Everywhere in Decatur Share this story social social Email To Decatur is a powerhouse in outdoor recreation. Danielle Gibson, President/CEO of Decatur Morgan County Tourism Over 50 years ago, the Mayor of Decatur went to Germany to learn how to build the nation’s first wave pool. In 1970, this historic wave […]

Decatur is Positively Soaring at the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic!

Decatur is Positively Soaring at the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic! By: Lillie Beth Warner, Communications Director, Decatur Morgan County Tourism Share this story social social Email To The Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic is a one-of-a-kind event that takes place every year in Decatur, Alabama, at Point Mallard Park. The event has […]

Carnegie Carnival Is Positively Fun!

In 2012, the Carnegie Visual Arts Center presented Decatur’s first Mardi Gras-style celebration with the “Carnegie Carnival.” Charter members created a season that spans from Carnival Petition to the King and Queen to open the royal season to Twelfth Night in January to candidate events and culminates with the Carnegie Carnival parades, always held on the Saturday before Fat Tuesday.

Built for the Birds, Wheeler National Wildlife Positively Dazzles All Year Long

Each winter, anywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 temporary residents show up to bring an experience that’s positively Decatur. The guests? Migrating sandhill cranes and even several pairs of extremely rare whooping cranes.

River Clay Fine Arts Festival Is Positively Educational!

River Clay Fine Arts Festival is Positively Educational! The Positively Decatur team is please to have Stevi Price, the immediate past president of the River Clay Fine Arts board of directors, share her perspective as an educator. Share this story social social Email To The River Clay Fine Arts Festival (RCFAF) has evolved into an […]

¡El Día de los Muertos Es Positivamente Tradicional!

La Cuidad de Decatur en Alabama se complace en anunciar que este año inauguramos la Celebración del Dia de Muertos. Dia de Muertos, también conocido como el día de Las Almas, es un día festivo mexicano donde las familias le dan la bienvenida a las almas de sus seres queridos fallecidos para una reunión breve que incluye comida, bebidas y celebración.

Día de los Muertos Is Positively Traditional!

The City of Decatur, Ala. is pleased to announce its inaugural Día de los Muertos celebration! Día de los Muertos, also known as “The Day of The Dead” or “All Souls Day,” is a Mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink, and celebration.